Working on the next Needle Nerd kit today! Hope you're looking forward to some Blackwork. I found this one quite relaxing. Just have to add a bit of Gold next!
Floss Friends thread packs were sent out earlier this week.
And the latest tutorial will be up tomorrow! I decided to go with a Van Dyke stitch.
If there's anything in particular you'd like to know about, a stitch you'd like to learn, or a technique you'd like a kit for - please let me know!
Just finished this one. It's beautiful
Glad to hear it got to alright Johannah 😊 enjoy stitching it!
I received my blackwork triangles kit on Monday the 21st -- not bad for hopping the pond and negotiating my little country post office -- Everything takes an extra 2 days to get here. But at least stuff does get here =) Thanks so much!!