Alice is a passionate embroiderer, inspired by Ireland - it's history, it's culture, it's landscape. She uses her extensive knowledge of embroidery and textile techniques to create contemporary wall art. Her attention to pattern, colour, and texture allows customers to take a small piece of Ireland into their homes.
Alice is currently working on a series inspired by Irish wildflowers. As our towns and cities develop, traditional hedgerows are beginning to disappear. Through this series, Alice wishes to remind the audience of the importance we once placed on these wildflowers. Although they are not used as medicines or talismans today, they are still an important part of our landscape and culture.
Alongside this, Alice is also creating custom embroideries for every occasion. Whether it be to celebrate the birth of a child, a wedding gift, or just because, no idea is too small. Alice also creates jewellery pieces, prints and hoops to be sold at markets around Dublin.
Alice graduated from the Royal School of Needlework in 2017 with a BA in Hand Embroidery. She has worked on a number of high profile projects such as the Nicholas Oakwell for GREAT Britain Campaign and the HBO Game of Thrones Hardhome Embroidery. During her time at the Royal School of Needlework, Alice was awarded bursaries in 2016 and 2017. In 2018, her work was displayed in 'Artonomy' at the MART Gallery - an exhibition and auction held to raise money for the campaign to Repeal the 8th Amendment in Ireland. Alice also donated work to the Take Heart Pop Up to support the work of the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre.